The angels are here in greater numbers than ever before, to help us transform our lives, and to help us transform the planet. They are here (post 2012) to usher in a new golden age for humankind and the planet.

Many people, from all walks of life, are becoming increasingly interested in angels these days. Many people are bored of the hum-drum, mundane 'normal earthly life', and all its striving, pressures, challenges and problems. Many are seeking higher answers - angelic help and intervention in their lives, to help them with their troubles, to lead their lives forward, and to inspire them to help others and the world.

"Everyone can learn how to experience angel guidance and regular miracles to transform their lives"

I am on a mission to inspire people and remind everyone that connecting with angels and experiencing miracles and positive changes (regularly) are possible for EVERYONE. This is a message of hope to inspire all - to open up to more angel guidance and miracles, and to help those who are ready to learn how to do so fully and transform their lives.

Are you one of those people?


If you look back over recent years, you can probably remember examples of how the angels have helped you. It may have been as simple as finding a feather, a sign, a 'coincidence' that helped you, or a prayer answered. Or it may have been something more dramatic - being saved in an accident, having an angel experience, receiving healing, seeing your life being guided and changing for the better. In the past such angel miracles were rare events, that we might not dared to have discussed with others. Today, angelic help and miracles are far more commonplace - over half the population believe in angels, and they are frequently mentioned in books, media, magazines, and by healers, psychics, spiritual teachers and many others. We should celebrate that the age of angel help and miracles is truly with us. We are now living in an age where angelic help and miracles are available to anyone. No need to be a 'chosen one' or mystic sitting on a mountain top - angelic help and miracles are available to everyone here and now. This has NEVER occurred on earth before. Even 20 years ago it would have seemed almost unimaginable.


Think about it. If you have some people living ordinary earthly lives, carrying on as usual, and other people able to tap into angelic guidance and miracles, to assist their lives, what are the consequences?

Well for one thing, those who learn how to tap into angelic guidance and miracles will be able to live extra-ordinary lives (quite literally, beyond the ordinary). They will be able to have amazing lives.

This growing group of people will also be able to play their part in helping to transform the world, bit by bit, to create a better new world for us all - the coming of the new golden age, creating heaven (love, joy, higher energies, peace, equality, fairer societies, miracles, care for each other and the planet, etc) on earth.

Which group would you like to be in - the ordinary people, or
those living extra-ordinary lives of angel guidance and miracles?

Are you willing to step into a life of magic, miracles, divine love and guidance, living an extra-ordinary life, being of service, making a positive difference to the world, and being happy, fulfilled, grateful, abundant?

In truth, you have probably begun experiencing a little of this already. It is just a question of degrees - whether to embrace this fully, openly, gladly, with gratitude, or bit by bit, reluctantly, cautiously, only when the universe kicks you or forces you to change? (Guess which approach is probably going to work better?)

Would you like to:

Connect with the angels, archangels, and masters?
Learn how to Talk with the Angels, Archangels and Masters, and receive amazing messages, healing and energies, to help you, others and the world?
Discover how to create regular MIRACLES in your life, and the life of others?
Work with the angels, archangels and masters, and miracle process, to bring improvements, transformation and miracles to every area of your life?
Earn more money, or create an extra income?
Clear blocks, open to abundance, find a better job, the right career, find love, find your ideal home, discover your gifts and calling, develop your healing or other work, and/or create other miraculous shifts in your life, with the help of the angels?
Transform your life onto a higher path of joy, happiness, abundance, service, fulfilment, and making a difference to others and the world.
Link with the divine and develop your highest path of love, light, miracles, abundance, happiness, and service, developing and using your highest gifts, and making your highest contribution to the world?

If you answered yes to even some of these, you are going to LOVE my Angel Miracle Programme.

During 15 years of teaching people how to work with and channel the angels (and archangels, ascended masters, and many other higher beings of light, and God) it has become clear that there are 2 things that people want more than anything when it comes to the angels. People who have become interested in angels

1. Want to be able to TALK with the angels. They want to SEE their angels, discover their NAMES, and be able to RECEIVE CLEAR ANSWERS AND MESSAGES to help them. I can teach you how to do this.

Many pray to the angels - they long to hear the loving answers from the angels and the divine. I have been teaching people how to do this for 15 years - it is always magical, miraculous, uplifting, loving and moving - it delights and amazes people, and is INCREDIBLY beneficial to their lives, in often astounding ways.

2. The second thing that people want is MIRACLES. They pray to God and the angels to help them (and others). They pray for healing, they pray for changes to their lives, they pray for help with problems and for improvements to their lives - they pray for all the things we all pray for when we have difficulties in our lives, or we want to enhance the lives of ourselves, loved ones or others. We call on the divine to provide miracles. Over the years, I have seen countless untold miracles from people who work with their angels. I know that the more closely you work with the angels and divine, the more miracles you see in your life. I can teach you how to create miracles in your life, and the lives of others.

So I would like to invite you to participate in a course that allows you to do both of these two things - learn how to work and talk with the angels, and learn how to bring miracles into your life. I would like to invite you all to join my ANGEL MIRACLE PROGRAMME.

In this course, you will learn how to:

Talk with the angels, archangels and masters
Receive healing, energies, and lots of messages about all areas of your life
Learn how to create miracles and improvements in all areas your life
Improve and transform your life into one of joy, miracles, happiness, abundance and fulfilment, following your highest path

Take a look, and see if it appeals to you....

As you read through all the ideas below, I would like to invite you to think about what might be possible for your life. What changes, improvements and miracles you would like to see for yourself, others and the world? Consider the possibilities, and invite the angels to help you even more - let the mere act of reading the following being an inspiration and a catalyst for positive changes in your life. Not all of you will feel called and inspired to do this course at this time, but I hope that you will all be inspired to create improvements in your lives, and be moved to invite and experience more angelic magic, in your life.

This course is for anyone who is interested in angels and wants to:

Learn how to talk with the angels, archangels and masters
Learn how to channel angel messages and energies (for yourself and for family, friends, or clients)
Receive angelic help and guidance, and resolve problems and issues in your life
Create improvements and miracles in many or all areas of your life
See your life transformed for the better - develop a life of happiness, joy, service, miracles, gratitude ....
Want to Develop your Spiritual Gifts
Explore your connection with the angels
Learn a process for calling on the angels and creating miracles for yourself and others
Learn how to give Angel Readings and Angel Card Readings
Feel called to work with the angels and develop their life path - receive guidance about helping others and the world
Receive guidance about your life path, work, direction, family, health, home, love, abundance or other areas of your life
Work the angels to help their lives, and the lives of others
Call on the angels and receive signs, help and miracles
Feel 'called' or guided to work with angels to help others
Have ideas about their life purpose, and want angelic help and guidance
Want to leave work you don't like, and develop a new career
Learn how to call on the assistance of the angels to increase the power of your healing
Enhance and develop your healing work, with the help of the angels
Develop a second income
Expand your business and grow your income
Heal the past, resolve current problems, and receive guidance about your future.

Do some of these apply to you? If so, read on, and see how much the course covers, and if you feel it can help you.

Talking with your Angels (and the archangels and masters)

Most people I speak to would love to be able to TALK WITH their angels - not just pray or talk to them, but actually receive answers back - be able to hear and receive messages directly from their angels. Imagine if you could receive angel guidance and answers about ANY area of your life, at any time. Think how much easier and more magical life would be!

Talking with angels can transform your whole life.

What people often do not realise is that talking with your angels (or archangels, masters and other beings of light) is such a JOY. It is a beautiful, moving, loving experience. You feel loved, blessed, honoured to receive such energies and guidance. Many are moved to tears of joy during their first connections. They often say things like

"It was so beautiful - I felt so loved - I didn't want it to end"

Working with angels also brings miracles into our lives. You have probably read many angel stories as to how people have been helped, in simple and sometimes dramatic and miraculous ways. (I have also written over 150 examples of angel stories, help and miracles, of all kinds, from myself and my clients, in my various books). Working with angels makes the seemingly impossible become possible.

Working with angels adds magic to our lives, creates extra-ordinary changes, and helps our dreams come true.

Having experienced life with the angels, and (previously) without angels, I know which one I prefer!

I am sure you will find the same thing too. Working with angels reduces stress and problems in our lives, leads to greater flow, greater love, fulfilment, peace within, and ways of being of greater service to others. It makes life easier and happier. Working with angels takes our lives out of the mundane, and into the extra-ordinary. Working with angels can lead to miracles and positive changes in every area of our lives.

Good News - You can learn to talk with angels too. A proven process for learning to talk with the angels...

As you may be aware, years ago, the angels gave me a simple 'step by step' process which makes it EASY for almost anyone to learn how to talk with them. They know that many people want to learn how to talk with them (and they want to talk with you!) so they gave me a simple and highly effective step by step process that makes it easy to do so. They asked me to teach this process to people all over the world. That is what I have done for over 10 years, helping people all over the world to connect and talk with their angels. You get to see what they look, discover their names, receive beautiful energies, and receive messages and loving guidance to help you improve your life.

I tested the process, and it worked amazingly, miraculously well (I shouldn't have been surprised - the angels gave me the process themselves to help people connect with them - of course it works!)

My angels said that many people try to go from no connection, to being fully connected with them, in 5 minutes flat, perhaps trying one exercise in a book. They said that is too big a step, to big a leap for most people. Instead, they provided a process for connecting with them that consists of a series of simple steps, that builds your angelic connection, and enables you to receive more and more guidance, until you are fully connected.

I have taught this process to individuals, to groups, in workshops, and via my angel home study course, to thousands of people around the world. It works. It has an incredibly high success rate -virtually anyone can learn to meet and talk with their angels and receive channelled messages and guidance to enhance your life.

My Guided By Angels home study course has sold and helped people all over the world (over 50 countries across all 6 continents so far). The feedback and testimonials from people have been astounding.

"I found a direct line to my angels. I can now ‘give them a call’ more often. It’s beautiful. It gives me inspiration, hope, and a feeling of security, and the calls are free! The angels guide me. I trust them. The improvements to my life have been amazing! Thank you angels. Thank you Darren!" Charlie Simone

"Connecting with angels is as easy as 123 when you know how. I read lots of books, even started an angel course, however I could not connect with them at all until I started Darren's course. Before starting his program, I thought that connecting with angels was only for "special people", not for everybody (not for me). His course took me right from the beginning, step by step. It took me by the hand and showed me how to hear the angels. Now I can talk to them, and know that speaking for angels is for everyone, even for me! It has made such a huge difference to my life." Melinda Martina (USA)

"Brilliant. What I liked most was meeting and working together with other like-minded people. I gained the confidence and ability to connect with Angels and receive messages for myself and others. Received healing from Archangel Raphael along with lots of wonderful messages. All in a loving and safe environment. Fantastic!" Julia Tillson (UK)

I could fill many pages with all the amazing testimonials I have received over the years!

I will teach you this process on this course.

What is more, for the first time ever, I will teach you this process in a variety of ways, to suit every style. Some people like to learn as part of a group. Some like to study on their own. Some like to have one to one sessions with me, to receive expert guidance and help. Some like written materials, to help them learn. Some like audio materials, and guided meditations, to help them practice and develop their connections with the angels. On this unique course, you will get ALL of these, and I will guide you through all the materials and the process step by step, making it even easier for you. You will meet with, learn with and network with other like minded souls as part of a group, supporting and encouraging and helping and learning from each other too. (Read on for further details about how this will work).


This alone is amazing and miraculous, and well worth joining the course.

But that's not all ...

The Angel Miracle Process - How to Create Regular Miracles

Over the years I have heard literally hundreds of stories of angel miracles, covering all areas of people's lives. These are just some of the miracles that clients have told me about that they have experienced after connecting with their angels.


Healed of major illness in first meeting
Told by her angels that her illness was mis-diagnosed - angels told her the real illness - had it checked - angels were right - made full recovery and returned to work
Visited by angel in hospital - healed overnight by the angel - doctors amazed
Received guidance from angels how to heal their condition - it worked, made full recovery
Guided by angels in a dream how to heal their condition - it worked, made full recovery and now teaching others!
Life saved in a car accident - car written off but walked away unscratched (very common
Told by angels not to give up on their dying daughter approaching death - told them what to do - their child lived and recovered!


Cleared over $60,000 debt with help of angels in 6 months
Connected with angel energies -healing business 'took off' - completely full every week!
Won lottery with help from the angels
Guided to appear on a game show - won $50,000
Received unexpected money from (variously, tax returns, mortgage rebate, debts written off, unexpected will from distant relative, old loans repaid to them, unexpected sales of products or sudden bookings of clients paying in full up front ...and many more ways)


Guided to dream home by woods (for walking the dogs) within 3 months
Guided to dream home by the sea to live and write
Guided to perfect place to live - appeared under a rainbow


Called on angels to stop son from being bullied at school - stopped that week (bully moved away
Healed relationship with daughter through miraculous angel intervention
Received messages from her mother, and smelled her mother's fragrance, just after the funeral of her mother (very comforting).
Was wondering if deceased husband was OK on the other side - received clear and unmistakeable sign from the angels that he was fine.
Rift with sister which had lasted years healed in miraculous way by the angels - now friends again
Found soul mate and began new life with perfect partner.


Found a new job from scratch in just 4 hours with the help of the angels
Offered the chance to create a healing centre with government funding
Problems with boss cleared up overnight and offered a promotion
Healing work blossomed and took off - very busy practice
Created and filled new angel courses in the community
Found the ideal location near the sea for their healing centre, as guided in a dream
Learned to channel messages, wrote a book, and invited to run workshops all over the world

These are just the ones that come to mind - there are hundreds of other examples. Almost anything is possible when we work with the divine.

Any one of these would be memorable and possibly life changing. Imagine if you received LOTS of these, on a regular basis! What if miracles become a common regular occurrence? That is the aim of this course. Come and discover just how much is possible...

I want to make this the most amazing course of your life.

During the course, we will cover all of the following, which I have taught in my courses and workshops for over 10 years:

Learn how to talk with angels, archangels, and ascended masters (such as Jesus, Mary, Buddha, and many others beings of light)
Learn how to receive channelled guidance and messages for yourself, and for others
Receive channelled guidance and answers about any and all areas of your life - such as work, career, life path, family, relationships, love, soul mates, children, health, well-being, spiritual growth, healing, your gifts, helping others, finances, opening to greater abundance, resolving problems , releasing the past, greater self-love and self-confidence, moving forwards ...(you'll receive LOTS of guidance about these areas during the course, and once you have learned how to connect you can ask for guidance about any or all of these, or other areas, any time you wish!)
Transform your life with the angels
Receive angelic healing and powerful new angel energies to heal and enhance your life
Explore your connection with the angels, your gifts, why they have come to you now ...
Enhance your healing gifts and healing work, by calling the angels in to help you.
Learn how the angels can make your healing even more powerful, and provide help and guidance to you and your clients. Your clients will really notice the difference!
Call on the angels for help and guidance in developing and growing your healing or teaching work, starting a healing centre, launching a charity or project, or helping the world in other ways. Watch it grow in miraculous ways. (If you are a healer, more clients means more income too!)
Earn ADDITIONAL INCOME. Learn how to offer angel readings and angel card readings. This could become an additional source of income for you, or perhaps even a full-time career. (e.g. 20 readings per month at $50 each would be $1000 income per month = $12,000 income per year.) If you are a healer, this could also attract additional clients to your business.
Discover why the angels have come into your life. Why are you drawn to them? Where is it leading? Discover the 'missing something' that you have been longing for.
Receive Angelic Healing - clear mental, emotional and spiritual blocks and problems - feel cleared, lighter, so much better!
Receive Angelic Attunements - Connect with Higher Angel Energies, Divine Love, and Powerful New Energies which can transform your life, and the lives of many others

This alone will be amazing. BUT THERE IS MUCH MORE THAN THIS!

As well as teaching you how to communicate with the angels, archangels and masters, how to receive answers, guidance, miracles, healing energies (for you and others), and be able to do angel readings and angel card readings, develop a second income, grow your business, enhance all areas of your life, the course will also cover the following areas specifically. See which ones appeal to you?

Illness and disability

discover the lessons that these are meant to teach you, and the hidden gifts they contain (unless you learn the lesson, you can't move on)
receive healing from the angels, archangel and ascended masters
receive guidance about how to be healed
breakthroughs and shifts
discover how these can help with your life purpose - how you can create a new life inspiring others
come to see you illness or problem as a great gift from the divine

Life's Problems

Discover the soul lessons - why your life has been this way - and what you are supposed to learn, to set you free from them
Release old patterns (from this or previous lives)
Receive new energies to heal you and empower you to move forward in new ways
begin a new life - leave the past behind
become empowered, free, inspired to create a new and better life

Love & Relationships & Family

how to attract your soul mate or ideal partner
relationships - are you destined to be together, what do you both need to release and learn to make the relationship work
receive healing and energies and guidance to help your relationships
resolve problem relationships
enhance relationships with your partner, your family and your children

Your home

discover if, where and when you are supposed to move home
find your ideal home that leads to a wonderful life
find better short term accommodation
feel the energies in your home being lifted as you work with the angels
fill your home with love and positive energies

Work, Career, Money and Finances

clear debts miraculously
find a new and better paid job
develop a new career, that leads your life forwards, and brings you joy and happiness
find the right path and career direction
receive unexpected income and windfalls
clear problems at work and develop a new lease of life and joy at work
help others around you - be a source of light and inspiration and help to others, in the right job

Life Purpose

discover why you are really here and what you are meant to do this lifetime - your life purpose
discover HOW to develop your life purpose
see doors open, miracles happen, divine flow, as you follow your path
explore what gifts you will be using to help your mission - e.g. writing, healing, teaching, working with angels, counselling, creative, business ...
be inspired about the life ahead, and making a difference to others and the world

Businesses, Charities, Organisations

Receive angelic guidance about how to expand your work and grow
Be guided to new people and opportunities to assist your growth
Be guided how to expand further through Darren's Marketing Masterclass (bonus sessions)
Darren's book "10 Steps to Holistic Business Success" , is based on his 30 years of marketing experiences with major corporations, coaching and training and running courses for small and medium businesses of all kinds, and building his own international spiritual business and helping other spiritual workers. Darren will show you further ways to expand and grow your business (whatever your type of business), and you'll receive a full copy of his ebook too.

Healers, teachers, spiritual workers (and other spiritual businesses)

Receive angelic guidance about how to expand your work and business
Be guided to new people and opportunities to assist the growth of your work
Learn how to grow your business from Darren's book "10 Steps to Holistic Success" , based on his 30 years of marketing experiences with major businesses, coaching and training and running courses for small and medium businesses of all kinds, and building his own international spiritual business and helping other spiritual workers. All condensed into simple steps, clearly explained, with loads of examples and exercises throughout. (Bonus gift)
Develop a 2nd Income offering angel readings or angel card readings (e.g. 20 x $50 per month = $1000 per month income = $12,000 extra income per year)
Use the Angelic Abundance Meditation to attract new clients and more business
Darren's Marketing Masterclass 1 will show you how to gain extra short business quickly. Sharing some of the ideas from my book, I will show you how you could double or treble your business within 2-3 months, depending on your current situation.
Marketing Masterclass 2 will teach you how you can expand your work and build your business into a large and thriving business earning a substantial income (whatever type of business you are involved in, whether healing, teaching, selling products, retail, service, manufacturing, retreat centres, charities, or other businesses or organisations).

We will cover one or two of these different areas of life each month, in group workshop sessions, and / or in your one to one sessions with me, to help you bring about the changes, transformation and miracles you seek in all areas of your life.


Just as the angels gave me a process for talking with the angels, which is highly successful and works wonderfully well, so to they have given me a process for MANIFESTING MIRACLES. I have used this and found it works incredibly well, and have taught it to others. Now I am pleased to be able to share this miracle process with you, so you can bring regular and astounding miracles to your life.

You will also create many miracles through learning to work and talk with the angels, using the process I have taught to thousands around the world already, as well as via this new process - so you should receive twice as many miracles (or more)!

I will teach you this angel miracles process, and you will have the chance to practice using this process, to help you achieve the miracles that you want in your life, throughout the program.

Together, we will share the news and stories of our miracles, to inspire and encourage each other. You may never experience and hear so many miracles in one place at one time again. This will show you what is possible, so that you can go out and continue this process for the rest of your life.

You may have heard the expression "You are Gods and know it not." This course will show you how to tap into the power of manifestation, changes and miracles.

What miracles would YOU like to see in your life?

Talking with your angels
Be healed
Find inner peace and happiness
Clearing your debts
Get a better job
Find love
Heal your family / relationships
New income
Grow your business
Find your ideal new home
Unexpected windfall
Clear blocks and heal the past
Open to abundance
Discover your life path
Develop your healing gifts
Open a healing centre or start your own business or organisation
Follow your path - live a life of abundance and miracles
Other miracles?

What difference would it make to your life if you could achieve even some of the above?

The angels and I will show you how. Learning how to talk with the angels, receive their loving guidance, help, energies and miracles means that all of these things become not only possible, but likely to occur.

You may have already experienced 'co-incidences', prayers answered, finding feathers, receiving signs, being saved from an accident, or other major or minor examples of angelic and divine help. What if you could receive these not just once, or very occasionally, but all the time, regularly throughout your life. Wouldn't that make your life amazing, and lead to positive changes in virtually every area of your life? Imagine what might be possible if you learned how to link into angel guidance and miracles so you could call upon them every day!

I would like to help you experience all of this for yourself - talking regularly with your angels, and receiving frequent and constant miracles in your life.

Beloved Ones

Why do you think we are here and have come to you. Is it not for this very purpose, to talk with you, comfort you, guide you, and lead your forwards to a better life? Know that we are powerful beings, with gifts far beyond the earthly realms, which is why we can indeed bring magic and miracles to your lives. Many of you have experienced a tastes of this already. We invite you to open up to our loving guidance and help. As the earth continues to evolve, we wish to provide MORE guidance and assistance to all.

Open your hearts, open your minds, open up to all the wonderful possibilities that the infinite love of the Creator can bring to your life. Joy and happiness beyond your current expectations await you.

So would you like to learn how to talk with angels AND learn how to receive these miracles into your life?


Here is a brief summary of this six month programme. People often experience miracles in their first session with me, or within a few days. Imagine how much could be accomplished during 6 months of working with myself, the angels and the divine, and angel miracles! You can cover other areas as well if you wish during your one to one sessions with me, and while practicing and developing your connections with the angels, archangels and masters - you can develop and explore at your own pace.


Opening Prayers - Opening to the angels and miracles - calling them in
Preparing ourselves to connect with angels
Setting goals for the program - what changes in your life and miracles do you want?
Daily miracles - opening to daily divine guidance and miracles - watch the miracles appear!
25 ways to start receiving angelic guidance and miracles NOW
Simple yet powerful methods for receiving divine guidance daily



Angel Attunement - Receive angelic healing and energies to connect you with the angels, archangels and ascended masters
First Contact - meet your angels - discover what they look like, their names, receive messages and energies - discover the love, the joy, the wonder of connecting with your angels!
Practising talking with your angels - Channel regular messages - receive LOTS of guidance and messages about all areas of your life
Group feedback and stories of progress and miracles
Angelic Cleansing and Protection
Releasing the past, opening to a brighter future


Archangel Attunement - Receive Archangel Healing and Energies to attune you to their level - discover the amazing energies and messages of these wonderful beings!
Meet the Archangels - Discover All about the Archangels and which ones to work with
Archangel Connections - Meet and work with a number of different archangels. Get to know them, and their different personalities, specialisms, energies, and how each of them can help you
Channel various messages, healing and energies from the archangels - practice building your connection with the archangels
Group feedback and stories of progress and miracles
Archangel Miracles Project - Call on the Archangels to bring changes, improvements and transformation to any area of your life - let them work their magic!
Opening to greater love, better relationships, and your life purpose
Bonus Module - Marketing Masterclass 1 - How to Increase your Short Term Income - including How to Double or Treble your business in 2-3 months (A combination of top tips and marketing ideas from my 30 years of marketing and helping businesses grow, and angelic guidance to help you boost your income)


Introduction to ascended masters and higher beings, and how they can help you
Attunement to the Ascended Masters and Higher Beings of Light - Discover the incredible high vibrational love, healing and messages of these beautiful beings - be touched and deeply moved by their energies.
Channelling the Ascended Masters - meet and channel a number of different masters - learn how to work with their incredible energies, healing and guidance
Receive Messages, healing, energies to help your life (and those of others) - practice building your connection
Group feedback and stories of progress and miracles
Ascended Masters Miracles Project - Call on the Masters to bring changes, improvements and transformation to any area of your life - let them use their divine gifts to enhance your life
Exploring your life purpose, direction and career - ensuring you are on the right path


Channelling angel messages for others
Angelic and divine healing and help for friends, family and clients
The Angel Miracle Process - How to bring miracles to your life and the life of others
Healing Others - Bringing powerful angel, archangel and ascended master energy into your healing work - feel the difference this makes, whether healing yourself, family and friends, and/or clients - they will notice the difference and added strength of your healing
How to do angel readings and angel card readings (develop a second income)
Group feedback and stories of progress and miracles
Divine guidance about developing your gifts - discover your higher gifts (e.g. healing, teaching, writing, helping others and the world), and how to develop them
Developing your life work and service to others (and the world) - receive divine guidance about developing and expanding your work and having a richer, happier, more abundant life
Choosing further miracles and transformation for your life - what changes and miracles do you want next?


Learn the 8 Step Angel Process to Manifesting Your Enhanced Life - their own step by step process for manifesting what you really want in your life
Reviewing and giving thanks for all the miracles received during the course so far
Celebrating our Miracle Mindset
Guidance and Goals for your future
Continuing the Angel Miracle Process and Living Magically beyond the course
Bonus Module - Marketing Masterclass 2 - How to Develop a Successful Business and Large income (Whatever type of business or size of business that may be - healing, teaching, selling products, retreat centre, retail, charity, service, manufacturing, or other business), so you can live a happy, fulfilled, abundant life doing what you love, living a life of service, guided by the angels and the divine, and making a difference to the world. (I'll be sharing further ideas from my 30 years working in Marketing and Big Businesses, Coaching and training small and medium sized businesses, and building my own international spiritual business and help other spiritual people develop their work - get the best tips to help you and the group to prosper).

Imagine all the good things that could emerge from the above!


Here is what you will receive on this amazing course.

Each month you will receive:

Monthly group trainings (webinars) - in which I teach you step by step how to connect and talk with the angels, and how to create and recognise changes and miracles in your life. You can also ask questions, interact with other delegates, share stories and experiences and successes. Learn together.

Recordings of the group trainings - listen whenever you wish as often as you wish. Practice the exercises.

Monthly Practice and Support Sessions - practice building your connection. I will guide the group through further meditations, utilising the power of the group. Hear feedback and examples from others. Receive answers to questions, and help with any difficulties. Receive group support. Feel supported and guided throughout.

Recordings of the Practice Group Sessions

Monthly 45 minute One to One Personal Session with me (and the angels). I will help you build your connection, provide coaching and support, help you channel and receive angelic energies and messages about any and all areas of your life, and even channel messages for you - intensive personal guidance and support direct with one of the world's top angel teachers. These are incredibly powerful sessions - worth their weight in gold.

Access to exclusive members only Facebook Group - interact with fellow delegates - ask questions, receive answers, feedback and support and tips, share stories and successes - feel part of a group.

We estimate that is worth over $500 per month, that's $3000 across the whole 6 months of the course (approx £2000)

PLUS you also receive:

Recordings of ALL the meditations in the program, so you can listen whenever you wish, again and again - practice and build your angel connections - receive angelic guidance and help whenever you wish (worth $129)

Workbook - teaching you all the exercises and how to connect with the angels yourself.

Webinar teaching you how to do Angel readings and Angel card readings - earn extra money - (worth $250)

Webinar on working with the angels to boost your healing abilities and your healing work - (worth $250)

Copy of the original best selling Guided By Angels home study course, to help you deepen and build your knowledge and connections over time PLUS all many other great angel gifts, bonuses and extra angel courses - worth $640.

Exclusive Facebook Group for members only - interact with fellow delegates - ask questions, receive answers and support - feel part of a group (worth $150)

Angel Attunement, and Abundance Clearing and Attunement (worth $150)

Copy of my book - "10 Steps to Holistic Business Success" condensing 30 years marketing and business building experience into ten easy steps, to help you grow your business (whatever kind it may be). Worth $99.

The Marketing MasterClass 1 - How to Rapidly Grow Your Business - you could double or treble your business within a few months, using just some of the ideas in this workshop. (Worth $99. Actualy worth FAR more. Could be worth the price of the course alone!).

The Marketing MasterClass 2 - How to Build a Thriving Successful Business and Earn a Large Income - in which I share various ideas and different approaches from his 30 years of marketing and business building experiences, helping you to grow your business, whatever kind it may be (healing, teaching, selling products, manufacturing, service, retail) - worth $150 (actually worth FAR more !)

Certificate of Completion


Together, that is an incredible support package worth over $5100 !! (approx £3200)

PLUS the programme could help you develop a second income, gain extra business, find a new job, clear debt, receive unexpected windfalls, or help you in other financial ways. There are no guarantees in life (everyone is different) but the angel course could pay for itself many times over, AS WELL AS receiving all the many benefits of working with the angels, and receiving all the guidance, blessings and miracles in your life. You could end up thousands, or tens of thousands better off each year.

The good news is that you do not have to pay that much for this course - it is being offered at a huge discount.

"I was blown away. Incredible! I could never have imagined it would be so powerful as that. I tried many things previously, but nothing came close to being as powerful and as effective as that. It was a truly beautiful experience, the healings moved me on the core of my being as did the empowerments, and messages. That longing to feel complete is now my reality. Thank you." Fiona


As well as the miracle of being able to talk with your angels (for life), and all the ongoing miracles happening in every area of your life, for those of you who would like financial benefits too, these can be requested from the angels too. It is intended that (for those interested) this course will pay for itself MANY times over - that you will be many thousands better off following the course.

This could come through:

helping you to clear debts
getting a better job, or promotion, earning thousands or tens of thousands more money every year
starting a new profitable career
unexpected income
additional source of income from offering angel readings or angel card readings (could be thousands per year)
angelic help with expanding your healing business - create a thriving business with large income month after month, year after year
angelic help and miracles in growing other businesses (of any kind) - growth in expected and unexpected ways - creating more money and more wealth
Marketing Masterclasses to help you grow your business and develop a large income
help in other ways e.g. unexpected tax rebates, discounts off buying your ideal home, finding cheaper and better accommodation, wins in competitions, loans repaid, unexpected windfalls - and any of other countless ways.

We can work on these areas during the course, and in our one to one sessions, if these interest you.

"Darren is an extra-ordinary coach - its like being held in the palm of an angel. He has guided me onto my path, helped me discover a deeper power within me, which has lit up my life again after years of searching for the real me. Now I let the miracles in." Leoni G


Working with the angels daily in your life
Experiencing a life of joy, magic, miracles, wonder, love, happiness, fulfilment
Being able to call on angelic guidance and answers whenever you wish, about any problem or issues
Knowing the angels are always with you - sensing and feeling them around you
Being able to create miracles in your life, and for family, friends, clients
Earning a greater income and transforming your life to a higher path
Living a miraculous life - helping others and the world, enjoying a life of joy, happiness, abundance, using your gifts, living your purpose, and making a difference to others and the world. (What more could you wish for?).

It would be a PRICELSS GIFT - a gift that would last a lifetime.

Imagine continuing a mundane, ordinary life the same as before, continuing with the same old earthly daily struggles


A life living and working with angels - guided, magical, blessed

Which would you prefer? The choice is yours.

I channelled this message from the angels for you:

Beloved One

Know that you are loved by God and the angels. We wish to assist you on your journey of life. Opening up to our love, guidance and assistance will enhance your life enormously, in ways beyond your imagination.  You too can enjoy greater love, happiness, abundance, magic and miracles, and see your life transformed for the better.

Each of you has a part to play in the healing and transformation of the world. We are calling on you to step forward and find your path of healing and light. We wish to lead you forwards and show you what is possible for your life. You can make a great contribution to helping others and the world. We are here to show you the way. When you find your true path of light, you will experience great joy, happiness and fulfilment, knowing that you have found your place in the world, and that you are loved, guided, and greatly blessed. You will enjoy a life beyond the ordinary, fulfilling your deepest heartfelt desires, and fulfilling your soul's true purpose here on earth - making the most of this gift of life.

So whether you wish to improve or transform your life, or step up and discover and fulfil your purpose here as a healer, world helper, earth angel, or light-worker, playing your part in building a better world for all, allow us to link with you and help you.  Let us take you by the hand, heal you and your life, guide you, bless you, and lead your forwards to a happier, better, more fulfilling and abundant life.

You will know in your heart and soul if it is right to work with us. Do you have a desire and calling to connect with us?  Do you wish to connect with us, for your greatest good, and the highest good of all? If so, you will be greatly rewarded. Trust and follow your guidance.

We send our love and blessings to you all.
With great love

The angels, archangels, and the Divine


Is this one of those once in a lifetime opportunities that you know is right for you, and to which you have been divinely guided? Check with your intuition and your angels to see if it is right for you to apply for this course.

Due to the amount of one to one time that you receive with me during this programme, there are only a limited number of places on this course - first come, first served. If it feels right, apply now before the course fills up.

These students learned to connect with angels during my one-to-one sessions, courses and workshops.

"Darren's course gave me a great connection to my angels. His energy is amazingly gentle, yet powerful. I would definitely recommend his workshop for anyone wanting a greater connection with their angels and guides, or need direction with their lives. Thank you Darren and angels." Michael B (business consultant - UK)

"It was extremely valuable to work with you Darren, a supreme angelic representative, knowing that the angels love and bless you so much, somehow establishes a portal for us to grow through. This gave me courage and strength to renew my commitment to my spiritual life and through the wonderful experiences I had with you, I feel I have grown considerably as a result. I have gained more trust in myself and the spirit realms and feel more equipped to proceed on my life path and divine purpose. Marks out of 10 - I give it 100!!!" Carol Lyon (France)

"Darren Is a light to which souls gravitate when they need to see the way forward. He is an excellent Way-finder and connector to the Realms of Light." Georgina Guest

Some points to note:

1. This is NOT a business building course - it is a course on connecting with angels and opening to miracles. You choose which areas of your life in which you wish to see improvement - if that is money and income, we can work on those areas too. No guarantees, but it is a course about angel miracles.

There is an expression "Shoot for the stars - if you miss, you may still reach the sky". We'll see how many miracles can be achieved for each person during (and after) the programme. As the saying goes "If you don't ask, you don't get" - so we'll ask for lots of miracles for everyone. We'll see how much can be accomplished. How many miracles would you like in YOUR life?

2. This course is NOT intended for those currently going through a crisis, great stress, illness or other major life problems. These will make it far more difficult to connect and talk with angels. You should resolve these FIRST, through other means (such as one to one sessions with Darren, or with appropriate medical, health or other professionals, or other healers or therapists), before embarking on a journey of learning to talk with your angels. This course is NOT intended as therapy or healing for major problems.

3. Although I can teach you how to talk with angels, archangels and masters, and receive healing, energies and messages (which is miraculous!), as miracles are by their definition unexpected, I cannot guarantee any or many specific miracles in any areas of your life. However, people DO experience miracles when working with the angels, and it is my intention to help you tune in and receive lots of them, both during the course and beyond.

If you are interested in the course, and feel it is right for you, I invite you to apply for a place. I will contact you to discuss the course and your suitability for this program in a free, no obligation discovery call, to see it if is right for you.

Note there are limited places on this amazing programme, due to the amount of coaching, support and one to one sessions that you receive directly with Darren, so if it feels right, apply now:

"One of the most amazing experiences of my life. I am recommending him to everyone I meet." Gary Osborne